Monday, January 24, 2005

Why Would Anyone Run a Marathon?

This weekend I meet with my running group to run a whopping 3 hour and 40 minutes. You see I’m training for my second marathon in Austin on Feb 13. The question I get is “Why in the world would you want to run 26.2 miles?” Well I’m in pretty good shape since I just ran my first a couple of months ago, and I don’t want to lose anything. A fit body can wilt overnight; all good runners know that. Running can be routine and boring, so the regimen of training for the marathon puts a little structure and purpose into the process. It also forces me to eat with a little more caution, since I have to mindfully watch what I eat a day or two in advance of the long runs lest I diminish my energy output. In addition, my first marathon, in Chicago, was fantastic, and I want a repeat. It was a beautiful day, the fans were 3 and 4 deep cheering us on the whole way, and hospitality was unparalleled in my experience anyway. So there you go; I do it because I’m neurotic.

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