Saturday, December 26, 2009


Why do resolutions? Many are not kept, and many are repeats. I will take a stab at answering this question that I have been asking myself for years. I know it sounds like a cliché but I know I am not perfect, I know that I can't be perfect, but I can be better than I was last year. Better in what respect? Better with respect to the things I think are important. Family, health, and mental state come to mind. Benjamin Franklin carried a little notebook with his checklist of areas for improvement. I don't go that far but I can set some goals for the coming year. I will continue my running and keep my weight in check. I will study to do well in my graduate classes. I will attempt to be a strong tutor to my students who deserve the best. One new area I want to pursue has to do with creativity. I noticed my grandchildren are very creative, and frankly, I wonder where I missed the boat. I will attempt to cultivate some creativity in my life, but right now I am not sure just where. Maybe, I will cultivate my writing or language skills. I did write a paper that I will try to figure out how to publish on line. I have been practicing my Spanish during my one hour drive to and from school a couple times a week. Anyway, I will figure something out. But back to why I and many others like me do this each year. I'm not sure really, but perhaps only to confirm the notion that I have not arrived.

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