I'm so busy; I might as well get paid while I'm at it. I accepted a job offer at a nearby electronics company. I do have a need to improve, so besides running 35 miles a week, I have been refreshing my math skills, tutoring high school kids, working out at the Y, and spending quality time with my grandchildren. My days are filled and time is speeding by. I figure that I might as well get paid for my activities. Since I was offered a job for which I have a lot of experience and some skills, I accepted and will start on the 18th. What will change? Working out at the Y will be spotty if at all; I will get to see the grandchildren on the weekends, I will run first thing in the mornings before work; and I plan to practice math in my spare time. I am looking forward to working again. It will be nice joining the business environment and having some money come in.
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