Saturday, June 05, 2010

Effeciency of Business vs the Government

I spent twenty years in the Air Force where I worked as a procurement officer, and subsequently I served for twenty years as a supply manager in industry. As a procurement officer I worked with US Government civilians. There were some excellent civil servants, but there were also some incompetent and unmotivated ones who blamed their lack of productivity on labyrinth of rules in the Federal Acquisition Regulations. There was no profit motive to encourage efficiency. Although industry is driven by the profit motive, I would not call it the bastion of world class management, but the market did discipline management to strive for best practices or, else, perish. The two worlds provide me with a clear picture of where we should focus our efforts to grow the economy. Based on my experience I have little confidence that government has any business doing anything industry can do. The U. S. government should structure tax laws to facilitate commercial growth and, at the same time, shrink government whenever possible.

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