Thursday, February 09, 2006

Enjoy Each Moment

I must work on enjoying each and every moment of the day. I think this may be the secret to having as much fun as possible while toiling at a rather boring job. This trick is not as easy as one might think since here I am at work doing something that really is not joyful, and yet I’m supposed to treat it as if I would rather do nothing else. Do I just reject the notion that I would rather be home, sitting on the couch with my dog, Whitney, petting her while she sleeps on my lap? Do I disregard the feeling that I would rather be somewhere else instead of staring at the computer, typing emails or reviewing financial reports? Maybe the trick is to take pleasure in the little things of the moment, like chatting with a coworker about their family or their work. That is what I will try. I will give it a shot and let you know.

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