Monday, June 18, 2007

Dallas News Summer Book Club

The first book of the Dallas News Summer Book club is Eric Marie Remarque's novel "All Quiet on the Western Front". The author takes a deep dive in the personal tragedy of war as Paul Baumer describes the horrible death of his friend Kemmerich, who just had his leg amputated, in a crowded hospital reeking of gangrene. Baumer vividly describes the final moments of Kemmerich's life. "But he only weeps, his head turned aside. He does not speak of his mother or his brothers and sisters. He says nothing; all that lies behind him; he is entirely alone now with his little life of nineteen years, and cries because it leaves him." The author then follows that scene with Baumer, who just sat at his friends bed as he slowly died, showing signs of hope as he leaves the hospital. "Thoughts of girls, of flowery meadows, of white clouds suddenly come into my head." It struck me odd that he could enjoy life amidst devastating war. I can't wait for chapter three.


Sunday, June 03, 2007

Well I’m No Longer Retired!

I'm so busy; I might as well get paid while I'm at it. I accepted a job offer at a nearby electronics company. I do have a need to improve, so besides running 35 miles a week, I have been refreshing my math skills, tutoring high school kids, working out at the Y, and spending quality time with my grandchildren. My days are filled and time is speeding by. I figure that I might as well get paid for my activities. Since I was offered a job for which I have a lot of experience and some skills, I accepted and will start on the 18th. What will change? Working out at the Y will be spotty if at all; I will get to see the grandchildren on the weekends, I will run first thing in the mornings before work; and I plan to practice math in my spare time. I am looking forward to working again. It will be nice joining the business environment and having some money come in.